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Food Hygiene Basic Level
This course enables all staff who work with food within a school, but not in a formal production environment (typically those who teach cookery or work in before or after school clubs etc), to understand basic food hygiene. Anyone working in a formal food production environment or teaching higher level food technology must complete a level 2 or level 3 food hygiene qualification dependent upon their role.

Sexual Harassment Duties for Managers and Employers under the 2024 Worker Protection Act
This course is aimed at employers, senior leaders and managers in head office teams, HR teams, and at academy or school level to understand their duties under the 2024 Worker Protection Act regarding creating a zero-tolerance workplace regarding sexual harassment.

Curriculum Contractors
This course outlines everything you need to know about curriculum contractors for staff who manage or book non-employee staff to deliver activities that are non-construction based. It is most likely that your school already contracts multiple external experts who are not actually staff members, for example music tutors, minibus drivers and school nurses. The course provides information about the employment, management and ongoing evaluation of contracted staff like this.

The Prevent Duty
This module is suitable for all staff as everyone needs to understand what the law says you must know and do regarding the Prevent Duty. And what you must do if you have a concern about any student you come into contact with through your work or volunteering activities becoming radicalised or drawn towards extremism.

Managing Minibuses in Schools
This module is relevant for all staff who manage minibuses in schools, including those who manage drivers and those who manage the maintenance regime of the minibus. Please note that there is a separate course for driving a minibus in schools which should be taken if you wish to drive a minibus on behalf of your school or academy.

Driving Minibuses in Schools
This module is relevant for all staff who drive or wish to drive minibuses in schools. Please note that this course alone does not in any way solely qualify you to drive a minibus. You must contact your responsible person who manages the minibuses at your school or academy to ask them what driver training you will need to do in order to be allowed to drive your minibuses.

Managing Stress
Stress is now the biggest single cause of teacher absence from work and managing the causes of it is becoming one of the biggest headaches for any tier of school manager. This course looks at the causes of stress amongst employees and how to reduce or manage them and gives practical tips to creating a productive and less stressful working environment.

Managing and Administering Medicines
Medical conditions are increasing amongst the UK’s school-age children. This course takes a look at the duties schools have to deliver medical support for a wide range of conditions such as asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and epilepsy, discusses policies and procedures and takes you on a guided tour around a high quality medical facility, touching on mandatory elements of your provision.

Slips and Trips
Slips and trips are the most common cause of injuries in schools and lead to millions of staff and students days off per year, affecting student achievement. This module covers avoiding slips and trips, typical hazards in school to watch out for and ensures all staff are vigilant in eradicating problems before they occur.

Safeguarding Children
This module is suitable for all staff as everyone needs to know about safeguarding children, what the law says you must know and do, and what you must do if you have a concern about any student you come into contact with through your work or volunteering activities. Includes updates for the academic year 2022/23.

GDPR – Data Protection
This Handsam E-Training module on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will inform your staff quickly and easily of the key aspects and expectations of this far reaching data law. It ensures you have delivered your duty of making sure that all staff members are aware of the new GDPR regulations and their role in keeping information safe and secure.

Adventurous & Overseas Visits
Running adventurous activities or travelling overseas are hugely beneficial ways of engaging children in learning and widening their horizons. They form a crucial part of student development, but, of course, they must be run safely. This course covers everything trip planners need to know about planning more hazardous activities (including the AALA licence scheme) and going abroad. The course should be only be taken after successful completion of the ‘Safe Visit Planning’ module.

Asbestos Awareness
Over 70% of UK school buildings still contain asbestos and it is vital this dangerous substance is managed safely in order to avoid a major incident. When managed well asbestos is perfectly safe as it will be safe and secure from being disturbed. By providing key information, this module details everything that all of your staff need to know about carefully managing and preventing contact with this killer substance.

COSHH Awareness
This course is for all staff as everyone will come into contact with basic chemicals such as board cleaners, paints, glues and cleaning products. All staff also need to know how to deal with more serious hazardous substances such as science chemicals, maintenance products and what to do in emergency.

Environmental Safety
Schools create a lot of waste over the course of a days and weeks and it needs to be disposed of correctly according to the relevant regulations. This course ensures that all staff understand the correct methods of disposal for substances such as chemicals, radioactive sources, batteries and electrical items, and kitchen fats or waste.

Fire Safety in Schools
This module is suitable for all staff who need to be aware of the precautions in place in any school in order to prevent and fight fires and to perform prompt and safe evacuations. If you need to induct fire marshals then this course covers all of the necessary fire basics and you will just need to deliver a local orientation session to complete their training.

First Aid Refresher
The HSE recommends that all qualified first aiders undertake an annual refresher course if their qualification lasts for more than 12 months, for example the 3-year First Aid at Work course. This course fulfils the requirements for the annual refresher by taking qualified staff through the full range of topics.

Flexible Working
This module is relevant to all staff, as anyone may wish to apply for flexible working or may need to understand the rules and regulations that apply. The module includes ACAS advice on the best practice as well as a full explanation of how to make and manage a flexible working request.

Investigating Accidents
Investigating accidents and near misses on site forms an important part of health and safety management. This module is applicable to any staff member tasked with elements of accident investigation and covers the right and wrong questions to ask, interviewing victims and witnesses, gathering evidence, identifying root causes and creating SMART action plans.

Recording and Reporting Accidents
This Handsam E-Training Centre module covers what your legal duties are in reporting and keeping records about accidents and near misses of staff, pupils and visitors. The course is suitable for all staff who will be involved in any aspect of this process. The module covers all aspects of the law in terms of both RIDDOR reportable and non-RIDDOR accidents and near misses, with practical and clearly detailed examples.

Planning Safe Visits
Safety whilst Learning Outside the Classroom - the official government definition of what most people call Trips or Visits - is of paramount importance. The good news is that thousands of such trips are carried out safely each year, but occasionally, for whatever reason, things do go wrong. Therefore, it is vital that safe practices and accredited venues and providers are utilised and that emergency procedures are put into place. This module allows all group leaders who plan trips to understand their overall responsibilities in law by learning from good practice, formal DfE advice, and past cases illustrated by practical examples.

Health and Safety Induction for Staff
Inducting staff in health and safety has never been so straightforward. Introduce them to the key points so that they can begin life in your school or Academy well-versed in a wide range of key topics in a way which allows you to measure their understanding through Handsam's E-Training Centre. Taking this course will the ensure that your staff need just a straightforward local orientation session in order to complete their induction process.

Stress at Work
Everyone feels stressed at times. This Handsam E-Training module gives practical advice on how to recognise indicators of stress early, how to understand how it is affecting you and gives tips on coping strategies and advice on how to raise the issue with your manager. It is suitable for all staff, no matter what their role, seniority or full-time/part-time status.

Working at Height
All school staff are tempted to 'work at height'. Whether that be standing on a chair to open a window, on a desk to adjust a projector, or on a work surface to put up a display. This module explains why failing to take working at height seriously could result in serious injury and how all staff can take simple steps in order to avoid this and work safely. For those who need to know more details about using ladders, there is a full description of using ladders, stepladders and other suitable equipment.