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5 simple steps to train your school staff
These courses will train staff to a ‘pass standard’ in the core areas of Health & Safety, and provide training in areas where straightforward and cost-effective face-to-face training is difficult to come by.
Set up
First, we will ask you to provide a list of staff taking the courses, their position in school and their email addresses. We will then set them up on your Training Log within the E-Training centre. Individual log in details will be provided online.
Training Log
Your training manager then allocates modules to individual staff members using our straightforward Training Log tool. Many modules will need to be completed by all staff, while others will only be relevant to those with particular job roles.
The Training Log will send automatic reminders to staff via email until the module is completed.
E-Training Modules
Staff members can log in and instantly see the modules they have been allocated. Each module is made up of a series of short videos. After each video, there will be a series of multiple choice questions staff will need to answer. Their performance is automatically monitored and reported back to them on completion of the module.
Training modules are automatically updated when the law or government policy changes, ensuring the content is always fully up to date.
At any point, authorised training managers can access the secure area of the Training Log to see an overview of all staff progress, view a summary of who has completed which module, how they performed and which still remain to be completed or have never been taken. These can be outputted in CSV report files for further data management purposes. You can also choose to receive email alerts when training is not completed by the due date.
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