Adventurous & Overseas Visits
Running adventurous activities or travelling overseas are hugely beneficial ways of engaging children in learning and widening their horizons. They form a crucial part of student development, but, of course, they must be run safely. This course covers everything trip planners need to know about planning more hazardous activities (including the AALA licence scheme) and going abroad. The course should be only be taken after successful completion of the ‘Safe Visit Planning’ module.
Driving Minibuses in Schools
This module is relevant for all staff who drive or wish to drive minibuses in schools. Please note that this course alone does not in any way solely qualify you to drive a minibus. You must contact your responsible person who manages the minibuses at your school or academy to ask them what driver training you will need to do in order to be allowed to drive your minibuses.
Planning Safe Visits
Safety whilst Learning Outside the Classroom - the official government definition of what most people call Trips or Visits - is of paramount importance. The good news is that thousands of such trips are carried out safely each year, but occasionally, for whatever reason, things do go wrong. Therefore, it is vital that safe practices and accredited venues and providers are utilised and that emergency procedures are put into place. This module allows all group leaders who plan trips to understand their overall responsibilities in law by learning from good practice, formal DfE advice, and past cases illustrated by practical examples.